In Patient
There are 30 wards, which include four paying, twenty-four non-paying, one family ward and one short stay ward. For intensive care and management of physically ill psychiatric patients there are two infirmaries, one each in male and female section. Each ward complex consists of ward, bathroom and dining hall to bath and eat food with dignity. There are two Barber for hair cut and shaving of the patients. Toilets are attached with each ward.. Each ward has sufficient number of cots, beds, blankets, fans, desert coolers etc. Change of dress and linen, is being done regularly twice in a week and the patients take bath regularly. At regular interval fogging of malathion in the ward campus is arranged as preventive measure for malaria. There is no over crowding in any of the ward. Efforts are being made to provide adequate basic facilities to the patients in the ward.
Family Ward
Patients stay with their family members in Male Ward/Female Ward.
Closed Ward
Patients stay under supervision of hospital staff in Male/Female General Class Ward or in paying class ward.
For physically sick male & female indoor patients.